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Search for Jobs:

My Career NJ
Explore a connected suite of career, job, and training tools to help level up your career.

New Jersey Career Network Job Seeker Community
This FREE resource is designed to connect job seekers with other job seekers as well as volunteer coaches.

New Jersey Civil Service Jobs
Public job announcement listings and testing for NJ civil service positions.

New Jersey Public Safety Jobs
Job announcements and exams for NJ law enforcement & firefighters.

Higher Ed Jobs  
Jobs at colleges and universities

Search through this job board for non-profit jobs and volunteer opportunities.

Career Builder
Simply Hired
Zip Recruiter

Search through millions of jobs taken from company websites, job boards, and newspapers.
Find and fill out job applications for over 1000 companies.

Snag a Job
Search through thousand of hourly job postings.


Explore Careers:

Careers from
Read through industry reports to determine what career is best for you. Explore careers in STEM, healthcare, technology, education, criminal justice, communications, and more.

New Jersey Career Assistance Navigator
NJCAN is designed to support lifelong career exploration, and career planning and decision-making through easy to use, straightforward search and sorting utilities.


Improve Job Skills:

Learn skills from top universities for free.

GCF Learn Free
Provides free online tutorials focusing on job trainings, technology, reading, and math skilles.

Northstar Digital Literacy
Learn the basic skills needed to use a computer and the internet in daily life, employment, and higher education. You can build skills in key areas, and demonstrate your knowledge by earning certificates and badges.


Create Your Resume:

Create a resume the easy way; pick from a variety of templates.

Create a professional resume the easy way.


Explore Companies:

Career Bliss


Reference Solutions
Search for detailed information on more than 59 million U.S. businesses and employers, 158 million U.S. residents, and 1.2 million U.S. health care providers. Company listings include links to subsidiary and parent companies, listings of senior executives, and links to Google News for recent articles on the firm.

Business Source Premier
This database includes profiles of the world's 10,000 largest companies, reports for over two thousand industry sectors, and hundreds of country risk and economic reports. 
Regional Business News incorporates more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. 

Start a Small Business:

NJ Grows Biz
Business research portal from the  New Jersey State Library

Small Business Reference Center
Small Business Reference Center provides up-to-date information on relevant topics from starting a company, operations management and sales to growing or rescuing a business.